Individualized Studies
Individualized Studies
The individualized studies program serves students with specialized career aspirations that may not fit with a particular major program offered at Cedarville University or those who desire a traditional broad undergraduate program before proceeding to graduate school. The program leads to a bachelor of arts degree and includes the following provisions:
- A student interested in an Individualized Studies program may submit a proposal after completing 20 semester hours at Cedarville University, exclusive of Advanced Placement, CLEP, and transfer credits, with a minimum 3.25 grade point average.
- The student must define the focus of the intended individualized program on the program approval form. In addition, the student must demonstrate that the proposed program objective cannot adequately be achieved through an existing major at Cedarville University. The program approval form must be signed by a faculty sponsor and by the department chair of one of the major components of the program.
- Each program must be approved by the standing Individualized Studies Committee appointed by the academic vice president. Decisions of this committee may be appealed to the Deans Council.
- When the Individualized Studies Committee approves a student's proposed program, it will assign an academic advisor for the student.
- Changes to the approved program must be approved by the faculty advisor and the Individualized Studies Committee.
- For transcript purposes, the program will typically be called a B.A. degree with an individualized program in liberal arts.
- The individualized program must meet all of the Cedarville University bachelor's degree requirements as detailed in the university catalog. In particular, the following items must be satisfied:
- A grade point average in the program of at least 2.5.
- At least one-third of the program courses must be taken at Cedarville University.
- At least one-third of the program courses must be taken at the 3000 level or above.
- D grades will not count as meeting the requirements of the individualized program.
- A capstone course or experience appropriate to the individualized program and approved by the Individualized Studies Committee.